Madrid, Spain
July 11-12, 2022
The 8th ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval
The 12th International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval
Held jointly with the SIGIR 2022 conference
The ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR) is the premier conference of theoretical information retrieval (IR). General information about ICTIR is provided here.
The conference welcomes papers on core IR and any paper on connections between IR and its neighboring disciplines. ICTIR explicitly welcomes experimental and industrial papers that validate approaches from the lens of practical applicability. Such papers should, apart from validating the practical applicability of an existing approach, provide a clear message to the community as to which aspects need further (theoretical) investigation, based on the experimental findings. ICTIR also encourages papers attempting to define new tasks or apply fundamentally different ideas to information retrieval tasks.
Contributions could be:
Theoretical papers that model various phenomena related to IR, and/or between concepts, models and theories;
Conceptual papers that explore key concepts, new paradigms and new ways of thinking about problems in IR;
Behavioral papers that explore the behavior of IR algorithms (why and how an algorithm works);
Papers presenting preliminary work on exciting new ideas or approaches;
Papers describing failed (but plausible!) approaches along with a thorough analysis of what happened;
Papers studying theory in experimental or industrial settings; or,
Other papers that address foundational aspects of IR.