Call for Papers
IR theory and practice
New retrieval problems
Retrieval algorithm behavior analysis
Recommendation algorithm behavior analysis
Understanding IR models
Quantum IR or other non-conventional retrieval models and ranking
New evaluation measures, mathematical analysis of measures
New evaluation paradigms
User aspects of IR
Interactive and dynamic search
Information seeking
Modelling and simulation of information interaction
Contextual and personalized search
Search interfaces
Understanding context information
Understanding retrieval results
User modeling for ranking and evaluation
IR system architectures and scalability
Understanding IR system architecture
Efficient content representation
Compression for IR
String processing for IR
IR system scalability
Content representation and processing
Natural language processing for IR
Multimodal IR
Multilingual IR
Linguistic analysis
Text representation
Topic models
Machine learning for IR
Deep learning
Kernel methods
Markov decision processes
Online learning
Hyper-parameter and model selection
Reinforcement learning
Applications of IR
Information extraction
Information fusion
Legal IR
Patent search
Search applied to the Internet of Things
Semantic search
Sentiment analysis
Social good and collaborative search
Voice and image search
Structured, semi-structured data and databases
Task-based and exploratory search
Web, digital libraries and social media search
Page Length
To facilitate the exchange of ideas on the theory of IR, this year we allow submissions of any length between 2 and 9 pages, plus unrestricted space for references. However, page length should be commensurate with contribution size and authors should submit a paper whose length reflects what is needed for the content of the work. Reviewers will assess whether the contribution is appropriate for the given length. Consequently, there is no longer a distinction between long and short papers, nor a need of condensing or enlarging medium-length ones. We may however allocate more presentation time to longer papers during the conference. We hope this new streamlined process will preserve the variety of paper lengths and foster the exchange of ideas without creating an artificial distinction among them.
Reviewing Process
The review process for all submissions is double-blind, and authors must take all reasonable steps to conceal their identity. For this reason, ICTIR follows the ACM SIGIR policy of strongly discouraging uploading papers onto until after final notification.
Accepted papers must be relevant to the theme of ICTIR. Results will be judged on the degree to which they have advanced the theoretical understanding of IR or how much they have offered generalizable observations in IR. Evaluation expectations for submissions are less demanding than in other IR conferences, but some degree of evaluation is still expected and valued unless it is a purely theoretical work (e.g., a proof of an important theorem). The relevant literature should be properly cited and reviewed.
Submissions will be rejected without review if they are over the specified page limit, if they violate the formatting guidelines, if they are not anonymous, or if they are incomplete.
Style and Author Instructions
All submissions must be in English, in PDF format, and in ACM two-column format. Suitable LaTeX and Word templates for ICTIR are available from the ACM website. The algorithms, resources, and methods used within a paper should be described as completely as possible. Authors may upload supplementary material, including detailed descriptions, test datasets, or code; however, this information is not part of the submission paper, and will be read only at the discretion of the reviewers. Papers must be submitted electronically via the conference submission system. Authors should carefully go through ACM’s authorship policy before submitting a paper.
Submissions should be submitted electronically via EasyChair: